bytes+x86_64 +linux

The bytes module provides support functions for working with slices of bytes ([]u8).



// Undocumented types:
type tokenizer = struct {
	// string being tokenized
	in: []u8,
	// delimiter
	delim: []u8,
	// p < 0 for reverse tokenizers, 0 <= p for forward ones.
	p: i64,


fn contains(haystack: []u8, needles: (u8 | []u8)...) bool;
fn cut(in: []u8, delim: ([]u8 | u8)) ([]u8, []u8);
fn equal(a: []u8, b: []u8) bool;
fn hasprefix(in: []u8, prefix: []u8) bool;
fn hassuffix(in: []u8, suffix: []u8) bool;
fn index(haystack: []u8, needle: (u8 | []u8)) (size | void);
fn ltrim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;
fn next_token(s: *tokenizer) ([]u8 | done);
fn peek_token(s: *tokenizer) ([]u8 | done);
fn rcut(in: []u8, delim: ([]u8 | u8)) ([]u8, []u8);
fn remaining_tokens(s: *tokenizer) []u8;
fn reverse(b: []u8) void;
fn rindex(haystack: []u8, needle: (u8 | []u8)) (size | void);
fn rtokenize(in: []u8, delim: u8...) tokenizer;
fn rtrim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;
fn tokenize(in: []u8, delim: u8...) tokenizer;
fn trim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;
fn zero(buf: []u8) void;


type tokenizer[link]

Show undocumented member
type tokenizer = struct {
	// string being tokenized
	in: []u8,
	// delimiter
	delim: []u8,
	// p < 0 for reverse tokenizers, 0 <= p for forward ones.
	p: i64,


fn contains[link]

fn contains(haystack: []u8, needles: (u8 | []u8)...) bool;

Returns true if a byte slice contains a byte or a sequence of bytes.

fn cut[link]

fn cut(in: []u8, delim: ([]u8 | u8)) ([]u8, []u8);

Returns the input slice "cut" along the first instance of a delimiter, returning everything up to the delimiter, and everything after the delimiter, in a tuple. The contents are borrowed from the input slice.

The caller must ensure that 'delimiter' is not an empty slice.

fn equal[link]

fn equal(a: []u8, b: []u8) bool;

Returns true if the two byte sequences are identical.

This function should NOT be used with sensitive data such as cryptographic hashes. In such a case, the constant-time crypto::compare should be used instead.

fn hasprefix[link]

fn hasprefix(in: []u8, prefix: []u8) bool;

Returns true if "in" has the given prefix, false otherwise

fn hassuffix[link]

fn hassuffix(in: []u8, suffix: []u8) bool;

Returns true if "in" has the given suffix, false otherwise

fn index[link]

fn index(haystack: []u8, needle: (u8 | []u8)) (size | void);

Returns the offset of the first instance of "needle" in a "haystack" of bytes, or void if it is not found.

fn ltrim[link]

fn ltrim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;

Returns a slice (borrowed from given input slice) after trimming off of the start of the input slice the bytes in the given list.

fn next_token[link]

fn next_token(s: *tokenizer) ([]u8 | done);

Returns the next token from a tokenizer and advances the cursor.

fn peek_token[link]

fn peek_token(s: *tokenizer) ([]u8 | done);

Returns the next token from a tokenizer without advancing the cursor.

fn rcut[link]

fn rcut(in: []u8, delim: ([]u8 | u8)) ([]u8, []u8);

Returns the input slice "cut" along the last instance of a delimiter, returning everything up to the delimiter, and everything after the delimiter, in a tuple. The contents are borrowed from the input slice.

The caller must ensure that 'delimiter' is not an empty slice.

fn remaining_tokens[link]

fn remaining_tokens(s: *tokenizer) []u8;

Returns the remainder of the input slice from a tokenizer ahead of the token cursor.

fn reverse[link]

fn reverse(b: []u8) void;

Reverses a slice of bytes in place.

fn rindex[link]

fn rindex(haystack: []u8, needle: (u8 | []u8)) (size | void);

Returns the offset of the last instance of "needle" in a "haystack" of bytes, or void if it is not found.

fn rtokenize[link]

fn rtokenize(in: []u8, delim: u8...) tokenizer;

Like tokenize, but tokenizes the slice in reverse, such that the first call to next_token returns the last token and the last call returns the first token.

fn rtrim[link]

fn rtrim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;

Returns a slice (borrowed from given input slice) after trimming off of the end of the input slice the bytes in the given list.

fn tokenize[link]

fn tokenize(in: []u8, delim: u8...) tokenizer;

Tokenizes a byte slice, returning an iterator that yields tokens from the slice delimited by one of any number of delimiter bytes. If the input slice begins with or ends with a delimiter, an empty slice is returned respectively as the first and last call to next_token.

The variadic argument slice is borrowed from the caller, who should take care to ensure that it is valid for the lifetime of the tokenizer.

The caller must ensure that at least one delimiter is provided and that the length of the slice is less than types::I64_MAX.

fn trim[link]

fn trim(in: []u8, trim: u8...) []u8;

Returns a slice (borrowed from given input slice) after trimming off of the both ends of the input slice the bytes in the given list.

fn zero[link]

fn zero(buf: []u8) void;

Sets all bytes in a slice to zero. This is suitable for erasing private data from a slice.