ascii+x86_64 +linux

The ascii module provides helper functions for working with the subset of Unicode which is defined by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).



fn isalnum(c: rune) bool;
fn isalpha(c: rune) bool;
fn isblank(c: rune) bool;
fn iscntrl(c: rune) bool;
fn isdigit(c: rune) bool;
fn isgraph(c: rune) bool;
fn islower(c: rune) bool;
fn isprint(c: rune) bool;
fn ispunct(c: rune) bool;
fn isspace(c: rune) bool;
fn isupper(c: rune) bool;
fn isxdigit(c: rune) bool;
fn strcasecmp(a: str, b: str) int;
fn strlower(s: str) str;
fn strlower_buf(s: str, buf: []u8) str;
fn strupper(s: str) str;
fn strupper_buf(s: str, buf: []u8) str;
fn tolower(c: rune) rune;
fn toupper(c: rune) rune;
fn valid(c: rune) bool;
fn validstr(s: str) bool;


fn isalnum[link]

fn isalnum(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is alphanumeric.

fn isalpha[link]

fn isalpha(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is a letter.

fn isblank[link]

fn isblank(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if a rune is a space or a tab.

fn iscntrl[link]

fn iscntrl(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is a control character.

fn isdigit[link]

fn isdigit(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is a digit.

fn isgraph[link]

fn isgraph(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is any printable character other than space.

fn islower[link]

fn islower(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is lowercase.

fn isprint[link]

fn isprint(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is printable.

fn ispunct[link]

fn ispunct(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is punctuation.

fn isspace[link]

fn isspace(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is a white-space character - one of '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v', ' '.

fn isupper[link]

fn isupper(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is uppercase.

fn isxdigit[link]

fn isxdigit(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if an ASCII character is a hexadecimal digit.

fn strcasecmp[link]

fn strcasecmp(a: str, b: str) int;

Compares two strings by their sort order, treating all ASCII capital letters as their lowercase counterpart (i.e. an ASCII-case-insensitive comparison is performed). Zero is returned if the strings are equal, a negative value if a is less than b, or a positive value if a is greater than b.

fn strlower[link]

fn strlower(s: str) str;

Converts all ASCII uppercase characters in a string to their lowercase representation, returning a new string. The return value must be freed by the caller.

fn strlower_buf[link]

fn strlower_buf(s: str, buf: []u8) str;

Converts all ASCII uppercase characters in a string to their lowercase representation, returning a new string. The new string data is stored in the supplied buffer. This function will abort if the buffer's length is too small to fit the entire string.

fn strupper[link]

fn strupper(s: str) str;

Converts all ASCII lowercase characters in a string to their uppercase representation, returning a new string. The return value must be freed by the caller.

fn strupper_buf[link]

fn strupper_buf(s: str, buf: []u8) str;

Converts all ASCII lowercase characters in a string to their uppercase representation, returning a new string. The new string data is stored in the supplied buffer. This function will abort if the buffer's length is too small to fit the entire string.

fn tolower[link]

fn tolower(c: rune) rune;

Returns the lowercase form of an ASCII character, or the original character if it was not an uppercase letter (or was not ASCII).

fn toupper[link]

fn toupper(c: rune) rune;

Returns the uppercase form of an ASCII character, or the original character if it was not a lowercase letter (or was not ASCII).

fn valid[link]

fn valid(c: rune) bool;

Returns true if a rune is a valid ASCII character.

fn validstr[link]

fn validstr(s: str) bool;

Returns true if all runes in a string are valid ASCII characters.